ControlWORKS® Software

Increase product development efficiency and reduce time to market. ControlWORKS software manages equipment-level material handling, factory communication, advanced scheduling, and UI development through a comprehensive single machine control platform.

Product Overview

Next-generation technology nodes are introduced faster than process equipment can be developed, pressuring manufacturers to accelerate product development time. The ControlWORKS platform provides an efficient and reliable tool automation foundation enabling development engineers to focus on creating differentiated products that drive market adoption.

Object-Oriented Architecture provides the ability to quickly develop multiple independent equipment types and manufacturing processes easily.

Expansive and Reusable Class Library enables exception handling, communication, and multitasking.

SEMI® Software Compliant Independent Design supports all industry standards (SECS/GEM, EDA, 300mm) and multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and VxWorks.

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